Amazon Iphone XR Quiz Answer 15 September

Amazon Iphone XR Quiz Answer 15 September

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Question 1. Podiatrists are medical professional devoted to the study and medical treatment of ___?

Answer. Feet

Question 2. What was the name of the network of computers that eventually gave rise to the Internet?

Answer. Arpanet

Question 3. Which Oscar winning Hollywood star is of Indian descent and was given the name Krishna Pandit Bhanji at the time of his birth?

Answer. Sir Ben Kingsley

Question 4. Scientists have created a new form of gold which is said to be just two atoms thick – the thinnest version yet and measured to be just 0.47 nanometres in thickness. In which country was this created?

Answer. UK

Question 5. Which sportsperson has topped the Forbes list of 2019 as the highest paid woman in sports?

Answer. Serena Williams

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