Amazon Canon EOS DSLR Camera Quiz Answer 23 February

Amazon Canon DSLR Camera Quiz Answer 23 February

Question 1. What is astronaut, Buzz Lightyear’s popular catchphrase in the Pixar film, Toy Story?

Answer. To infinity and beyond

Question 2. The fictional address 221B, Baker Street is associated with which of these fictional characters?

Answer. Sherlock Holmes

Question 3. The Game of Thrones TV show is based on the fantasy novel series ‘A Song of Fire and Ice’ . Who is the author of this book series?

Answer. George R. R. Martin

Question 4. A 2-part British stage play written by Jack Thorne based on the Harry Potter series was first performed in London. What is the name of the play?

Answer. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Question 5. The Halley’s comet orbits the sun every 75-76 years. When will it be visible next from earth?

Answer. 2061

Hello Everyone All of you are welcome Amazon Canon EOS DSLR Camera Quiz Answer 23 February and today we have brought for you Amazon Canon EOS DSLR Camera Quiz Answer 23 February This contest has been asked for a total of 5 question and we have all published for you the correct answer on the uvtimes.

And one important thing is that this contest is from 8 am to 12 pm in the meantime, you have to make a participate in it, almost you will get 4 hours and after 12 pm the contest will be closed.

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