Amazon Quiz Time Answer 1 March

Amazon Quiz Time Answer 1 March

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Question 1. On Feb 13, 2019, after 15 years of exploration, NASA declared its Mars rover ‘dead’. What was the name of this robotic rover?

Answer. Opportunity

Question 2. Until 1955, the State Bank of India was known as __.

Answer. Imperial Bank of India

Question 3. How many times have the Chennai Super Kings won the IPL?

Answer. Three

Question 4. The game PUBG has been created and released by the popular gaming company EA Sports.

Answer. False

Question 5. The __ is a horseshoe shaped zone found along the Pacific rim where around 90% of the world’s earthquakes occur. Fill in the blanks.

Answer.The ring of fire

Hello Everyone All of you are welcome Amazon Quiz Time Answer 1 March and today we have brought for you Amazon Quiz Time Answer 1 March This contest has been asked for a total of 5 question and we have all published for you the correct answer on the uvtimes.

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