Amazon Quiz Time Answer 16 December

Amazon Quiz Time Answer 16 December

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Question 1. Which Indi-pop singer’s former name was ‘Sujata’, and is known for her hit pop song ‘Made in India’?

Answer. Alisha Chinoy

Question 2. Which of these big cat species is known to have a tuft or a bunch of hair at the end of their tail?

Answer. Lions

Question 3. In geometry, which figure gets its name from the Greek word for ‘table’?

Answer. Trapezium

Question 4. In which ocean is the island of Madagascar located?

Answer. Indian Ocean

Question 5. The name of which city comes from two words meaning ‘market for areca nut’ in the local language?

Answer. Guwahati

Hello Everyone All of you are welcome Amazon Quiz Time Answer 16 December and today we have brought for you Amazon Quiz Time Answer 16 December This contest has been asked for a total of 5 question and we have all published for you the correct answer on the uvtimes.

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