Amazon Quiz Time Answer 4 March

Amazon Quiz Time Answer 4 March

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Question 1. On which day is the International Women’s Day celebrated every year?

Answer. 8thMarch

Question 2. After being nominated for several years, Leonardo Dicaprio finally won an Oscar for Best Actor in 2016. Which film did he win it for?

Answer.The Revenant

Question 3. The circle of latitude known as Tropic of Capricorn, passes through India

Answer. False

Question 4. The 2018 film, Pad Man, starring Akshay Kumar is based on a true story. Who is the social entrepreneur that inspired the character?

Answer. ArunachalamMuruganantham

Question 5. Which country will host the 2020 Summer Olympics?

Answer. Japan

Hello Everyone All of you are welcome Amazon Quiz Time Answer 4 March and today we have brought for you Amazon Quiz Time Answer 4 March This contest has been asked for a total of 5 question and we have all published for you the correct answer on the uvtimes.

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