Amazon Redmi 6 Pro Quiz Answer 20 February

Amazon Redmi 6 Pro Quiz Answer 20 February

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Question 1. If your birthday falls between March to April, and your sun sign is depicted by a Ram, what’s your zodiac sign?

Answer. Aries

Question 2. If you are colorblind, you may not be able to see the true color of the gemstone emerald. What color is it?

Answer. Green

Question 3. ‘Square watermelons’ are watermelons grown into the shape of a cube, first developed in Japan. However, these are only ornamental and not edible.

Answer. True

Question 4. The Borlaug Award was instituted to honor Indian scientists for their research and contributions in the field of __. Fill in the blanks.

Answer. Agriculture

Question 5. Royal, azure and prussian are shades of which color?

Answer. Blue

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