Amazon Samsung Galaxy M20 Quiz Answer 13 March

Amazon Samsung Galaxy M20 Quiz Answer 13 March

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Question 1. According to Roman mythology, ‘Cloacina’ was the goddess of __.

Answer. Sewers

Question 2. If you were visiting the ‘Tabo Monastery’, where would you be?

Answer. Himachal Pradesh

Question 3. One liter of hot air will be heavier than one liter of cold air.

Answer. False

Question 4. ‘Chholiya’ often referred to as ‘sword dance’, is the traditional folk dance form associated with which state?

Answer. Uttarakhand

Question 5. At __ years old, Kane Tanaka, a Japanese woman has officially been confirmed as the oldest person living by Guinness World Records. Fill in the blanks.

Answer. 116

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