Amazon Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Quiz Answer 2 December

Amazon Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Quiz Answer 2 December

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Question 1. The offspring of a zebra and a donkey is called a __. Fill in the blanks.
Answer. Zeedonk
Question 2. The Koala bear’s diet mainly consists of eating __. Fill in the blanks.
Answer. Eucalyptus Leaves
Question 3. Sea Otters hold hands while they’re sleeping
Answer. True
Question 4. What is the main component used in the manufacture of glass?
Answer. Sand
Question 5. How many fights did Muhammad Ali lose in his professional boxing career?
Answer. 5

Hello Everyone All of you are welcome Amazon Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Quiz Answer 2 December and today we have brought for you Amazon Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Quiz Answer 2 December This contest has been asked for a total of 5 question and we have all published for you the correct answer on the uvtimes.

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