Amazon Bose Soundlink Quiz Answer 19 October

Amazon Bose Soundlink Quiz Answer 19 October

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Question 1. Which planet is considered Earth’s ‘sister’ planet?

Answer. VENUS

Question 2. Who is also known as the ‘Father of Indian Civil Aviation’?

Answer. J R D Tata

Question 3. Which of these is also called the ‘City of Spices’, for its role as the major trading point of Indian spices during the middle ages.

Answer. Kozhikode

Question 4. He invented an instrument to measure the weight and pressure of solar rays and prepared the original plan for the Damodar Valley Project. Who is he?

Answer. Meghnad Saha

Question 5. Which economist(s) was awarded 2018 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences?

Answer. William Nordhaus and Paul Romer

Hello Everyone All of you are welcome Amazon Bose Soundlink Quiz Answer 19 October and today we have brought for you Amazon Bose Soundlink Quiz Answer 19 October This contest has been asked for a total of 5 question and we have all published for you the correct answer on the uvtimes.

And one important thing is that this contest is from 8 am to 12 pm in the meantime, you have to make a participate in it, almost you will get 4 hours and after 12 pm the contest will be closed.

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